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The Sexual Offences Referencer: A Practitioner's Guide to Indictments and Sentencing 3rd ed (Book + Digital Pack)

ISBN13: 9780192864772
Published: October 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback + eBook
Price: £95.00

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An easy to follow guide and referencer which contains all the technical information needed in sexual offences cases. The law in this area has expanded greatly in recent decades; many 'historic' cases are currently tried under the law existing at the time the offence was committed (and, if the abuse was lengthy, this will often straddle several pieces of legislation). Current editions of legal textbooks do not include the old laws that these historic cases fall under, so practitioners have to resort to a mix of old editions and new.

This book sets out the correct indictments and sentencing provisions for the different sexual offences dating back to 1943, to cover all cases which might be prosecuted. Anyone looking up a particular offence will find all the necessary technical information in one place. Each chapter sets out an offence (giving its historic and current description) and all that relates to it in terms of indictments and sentence, including current sentencing guidelines and relevant case law. The book also includes model indictments; timelines; the latest material from the Sentencing Council; the Notification Requirements as they have been amended; and specified offences under the Criminal Justice Act 2003.

This product includes a copy of the paperback and a digital version available on PC, Mac, Android devices, iPad, or iPhone for quick and easy access wherever you are.

Criminal Law
3:Sexual Assaults
4:Offences Involving Children
5:Buggery and Offences of Indecency
6:Familial Offences
7:Offences Involving the Mentally Disordered
8:Prostitution and Trafficking
9:Indecent Images/Obscene Publications
10:Offences Against Public Decency
11:Preparatory Offences
13:Special Measures
14:Notification Requirements
16:Sexual Harm Prevention Orders
17:Sexual Offences Committed Outside the Jurisdiction