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Global Antitrust and Compliance Handbook

Edited by: D. Daniel Sokol, Daniel A. Crane, Ariel Ezrachi

ISBN13: 9780198703846
Published: March 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £66.00

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This multi-jurisdictional compliance guide offers a comprehensive and detailed multi-country review of critical antitrust compliance issues.

The book outlines the laws and practice in forty three of the most important antitrust jurisdictions around the world - focusing on anticompetitive agreements, market power and monopolization, enforcement, arbitration and remedies. With compliance requirements in mind, the book provides law firms and in-house lawyers with the necessary information to explore the changing global antitrust landscape.

Chapters in this guide follow a clear division to sections and include discussion of the enforcement priorities in each jurisdiction. Contributions to this book have been authored by leading competition law practitioners from their respective jurisdictions.

Competition Law
1. Argentina
2. Brazil
3. Canada
4. Chile
5. Colombia
6. Mexico
7. Peru
8. United States

9. Australia
10. China
11. Hong Kong
12. India
13. Israel
14. Japan
15. New Zealand
16. South Korea
17. Taiwan
18. Turkey

19. Austria
20. Czech Republic
21. Denmark
22. Estonia
23. European Union
24. Finland
25. France
26. Germany
27. Greece
28. Hungary
29. Ireland
30. Italy
31. Latvia
32. Lithuania
33. Netherlands
34. Norway
35. Poland
36. Portugal
37. Romania
38. Russia
39. Spain
40. Sweden
41. Switzerland
42. United Kingdom

43. South Africa