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International Human Rights, Decolonisation and Globalisation: Becoming Human

ISBN13: 9780415862912
Published: October 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £47.99

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

Covering a diverse range of topics, case studies and theories, the author undertakes a critique of the principal assumptions on which the existing international human rights regime has been constructed. She argues that the decolonization of human rights, and the creation of a global community that is conducive to the well-being of all humans, will require a radical restructuring of our ways of thinking, researching and writing. In contributing to this restructuring she brings together feminist and indigenous approaches as well as postmodern and post-colonial scholarship, engaging directly with some of the prevailing orthodoxies, such as 'universality', 'the individual', 'self-determination', 'cultural relativism', 'globalization' and 'civil society'.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. 'A Civil Religion'
2. White Man's Rights
3. Witches, Slaves and Savages
4. Subjects, Soldiers and Citizens
5. Peoples of the Book
6. 'Speaking Truth to Power'
7. Emerging Images
8. The Death of the Hero
9. Ghosts in the Machine
10. Becoming Human: Five Challenges