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Trade, Competition and Domestic Regulatory Policy: Trade Liberalisation, Competitive Markets and Property Rights Protection (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781000838312
Published: March 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Trade, Competition and Domestic Regulatory Policy presents a unique combination of analysis of both international trade and investment policies, and competition and regulatory policies. Increasingly, policymakers, businesses and the law and economics professions need to better understand how changes and policy developments in international trade and competition developed and how their interaction impacts on global business.

In addition to providing a comprehensive analysis of the attempts of international trade theory and practice to deal with tariffs, non-tariff barriers, market distortions and failures to protect various kinds of property rights, this book contains a detailed treatment of how property rights protection, including intangible property rights are a critical element of ensuring open trade and competitive markets. It examines how these rights have developed over time, and how they have been integrated into trade and competition policy.

This book will be of significant interest to students of international business, professors of economics, law, and business, and policymakers at the intersection of trade, investment, competition, and property rights.

International Trade, eBooks
Chapter 1: Purposes of Trade Liberalisation and Competitive Markets
Chapter 2: Introduction to Institutions Underpinning Global Trade and Regulations
Chapter 3: The Role of Consumer Welfare in Competition Implementation and Enforcement
Chapter 4: A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Anti-Competitive Market Distortions
Chapter 5: Trade Policies and Trade Remedies through the Lens of Competition and Consumer Welfare
Chapter 6: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: A Temporary Fix but a Constitutional Foundation
Chapter 7: Trade and Competition in Agriculture: A Trad Negotiation and Sugar Case Study
Chapter 8: State-Trading Enterprises and State-Supported Monopolies: Beginnings of Consumer Welfare Test
Chapter 9: Domestic Regulatory Reform
Chapter 10: The Role of Property Rights in Building a Competitive Market
Chapter 11: Protecting Property Rights: The Triple Interface between Intellectual Property, Competition and Trade
Chapter 12: Trade in Services: General Introduction
Chapter 13: Financial Services
Chapter 14: Impact of the New Media Economy
Chapter 15: Conclusion