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Abolish Criminology (eBook)

Edited by: Viviane Saleh-Hanna, Jason Williams, Michael J. Coyle

ISBN13: 9781000875485
Published: August 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Abolish Criminology presents critical scholarship on Criminology and Criminal Justice ideologies and practices, alongside emerging freedom-driven discourses that encourage a vision and practice of new world formations.

The book introduces readers to a detailed history and analysis of crime as a concept and its colonizing trajectories into existence and enforcement. These significant contexts buried within peculiar academic histories are often overlooked or unknown in academic and public discussions, and representations of crime and the criminal legal system. The book offers written, visual, and poetic teachings through which readers, students, and educators can engage with the often discussed but seldom understood concept of crime and its enforcement through the criminal legal system’s research, theories, agencies and dominant cultures.

Abolish Criminology serves the needs of undergraduate and graduate students and educators in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. It will also appeal to scholars, researchers, policy makers, activists, community organizers, social movement builders, and various reading groups comprised of the general public grappling with the increased critical public discourse on policing and criminal legal reform or abolition.

Criminology, eBooks
An Introduction
Viviane Saleh-Hanna, Jason M. Williams and Michael J. Coyle
Criminology: Violent Ideologies and Ripple Effects across Place and Time
A Call for Wild Seed Justice
Viviane Saleh-Hanna
Unwanted: Epistemic Erasure of Black Radical Possibility in Criminology
Jason M. Williams
The History of Criminology is a History of White Supremacy
Viviane Saleh-Hanna
The History of Criminal Justice as the Academic Arm of State Violence
Brian Pitman, Stephen T. Young and Ryan Phillips
Criminology: Systemic Violence Against Lands, Minds, and Bodies
The White Racialized Center of Criminology
Holly Sims-Bruno
Evolving Standards
Derrick Washington
Trans Black Women Deserve Better: Expanding Queer Criminology to Unpack Trans Misogynoir in the field of Criminology
Toniqua Mikell
American Indians, Settler-State Racism, and Complicit Criminology
Brian T. Broadrose
Barrio Criminology: Chicanx and Latinx Prison Abolition
Xuan Santos, Oscar F. Soto, Martin J. Leyva and Christopher Bickel
Interrogating Criminology and Locating Abolition in Areas we are Trained to Overlook
Science and Biology Entangled: Education as a Meeting Point
Charlemya Erasme
Abolish the Courthouse: Uncovering the Space of "Justice" in a Black Feminist Criminal Trial
Vanessa Lynn Lovelace
Marxist Criminology Abolishes Lombroso, Marxist Criminology Abolishes Itself
Erin Katherine Krafft
Abolition Now: Counter-Images and Visual Criminology
Michelle Brown
Civil Lies
Tatiana Lopes DosSantos