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Health Law: Frameworks and Context

ISBN13: 9781107455474
Published: May 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £94.00

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Drawing upon a range of disciplinary perspectives, Health Law: Frameworks and Context adopts a theoretically informed and principles-based approach to examining health law.

Appealing to students and academic scholars alike, the text moves beyond traditional medical law frameworks to provide a broader contextual understanding of the way in which law intersects with health.

A clear and accessible style of writing combined with a sophisticated and nuanced approach takes this rich and challenging field to a new level of analysis. Written by respected academics within the field, Health Law: Frameworks and Context is an essential text for scholars and students looking to grasp the fundamental concepts of this rapidly expanding area of law, as well as those who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of health law in Australia and internationally.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. Health law: frameworks and context Anne-Maree Farrell

Part I. Frameworks
Section A. Theories, Perspectives and Ethics in Health:
2. Philosophical bioethics and health law Justin Oakley
3. Social perspectives on patient-doctor relations Karen O'Connell
4. Social determinants of health and the role of law Anne-Maree Farrell
5. Health and human rights law Penelope Weller
Section B. Institutions and Regulation:
6. The regulatory framework for health in Australia John Devereux
7. Regulating health professionals Gabrielle Wolf
8. Regulating patient safety and redress Anne-Maree Farrell

Part II. Context
Section A. Patients, Doctors and Health Care:
9. Consent to medical treatment John Devereux
10. Substituted decision-making Penelope Weller
11. Medical negligence John Devereux
12. Confidentiality, privacy and access to information John Devereux
Section B. Law at the Beginning and the End of Life:
13. Regulating reproduction Isabel Karpin
14. Regulating emerging reproductive technologies Isabel Karpin
15. Withdrawal and withholding of medical treatment Penelope Weller
16. Euthanasia and assisted suicide Penelope Weller
Section C. Law and the Human Body:
17. Organ and tissue donation and transplantation Anne-Maree Farrell
18. Property and human tissue Anne-Maree Farrell
19. Biobanks Anne-Maree Farrell
20. Human genetics and the law Isabel Karpin and Karen O'Connell
Section D. Law and Populations:
21. Indigenous health and the law Stephen Gray
22. Health law and people with disability Isabel Karpin
23. Mental health law Penelope Weller
24. Public health law Kate Mulvany
25. Global health and the law Anne-Maree Farrell.