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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia 2nd ed isbn 9781108703109

A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia

ISBN13: 9781107663213
New Edition ISBN: 9781108703109
Published: February 2016
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia can be used as both a freestanding casebook and as a companion to the Equity and Trusts in Australia textbook.

This casebook follows the structure of Equity and Trusts in Australia and provides a selection of primary legal materials together with accompanying commentary and discussion, covering the principal areas of equity and the law of trusts taught in Australian law schools.

Cases have been carefully selected based on the needs of undergraduate law and Juris Doctor students approaching this subject for the first time. Case extracts give a clear account of the facts and issues considered by the court, and the detailed commentary is accompanied by problems and discussion questions to enhance student learning.

Clearly written by authors with extensive experience in the field, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia encourages students to engage with the principles of equity and the law of trusts and to understand how they apply in the real world.

Equity and Trusts, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Part I: Introduction
1. Introduction
Part II: Equitable Remedies
2. An introduction to equitable remedies
3. Specific performance, injunctions and equitable damages
4. Monetary remedies in equity
5. Rescission and rectification
6. Bars to relief
Part III: Equity, Contract and Property
7. Equity and contract
8. Equitable proprietary interests
9. Equitable assignments
Part IV: Equitable Obligations
10. Fiduciary relationships
11. Third party participation in a breach of fiduciary obligation
12. Breach of confidence
Part V: Express Trust
13. The concept of the express trust
14. Certainty requirements in the law of trusts
15. Creating an express trust
16. Trusts for charitable purposes
Part VI: Performing the Trust
17. Trustees' duties and powers
18. Investment of trust funds
19. Trustees' rights
Part VII: Breach of Trust
20. Breach of trust: defences and remedies
21. Tracing
Part VIII: Non-consensual Trusts
22. Resulting trusts
23. Constructive trusts.