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Strangers Next Door?: Indonesia and Australia in the Asian Century

Edited by: Tim Lindsey, Dave McRae

ISBN13: 9781509918164
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

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There are no two neighbouring countries any where in the world that are more different than Indonesia and Australia. They have huge differences of religion, language, culture, history, geography, race, economics, worldview and population (Indonesia, 270 million, Australia less than 10 per cent of that). In fact, Indonesia and Australia have almost nothing in common other than the accident of geographic proximity. This makes their relationship turbulent, volatile and often unpredictable.

Strangers Next Door brings together selected insiders and leading observers to critically assess the state of Australia-Indonesia relations and their future prospects, offering insights into why the relationship is so important for Australia and why it is so often in crisis, and what this means for the future. The book will be of interest to anyone concerned with the Indo-Pacific region, Southeast Asia, Australia and Indonesia, and each country's politics, economy and foreign policy. It contains chapters with content that will interest specialists but is written in a style accessible to a general audience.

The book spans political relations and diplomacy, security and defence, the economy and trade, Islam, education, development, the arts, legal cooperation, the media, women, and community ties, among other themes. Contributors assess the current state of relations in their sphere of expertise, and outline the factors and policies that could shape bilateral ties - and Indonesia's future - over the coming decade.

University of Melbourne scholars Tim Lindsey and Dave McRae, both prominent observers and commentators on Indonesia, including its relations with Australia, edit the volume, providing a synthesising introduction as well as their own thematic chapters.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia, Asia, Indonesia
1. Strangers Next Door?
Tim Lindsey and Dave McRae
2. A Rising Regional Neighbour of Increasing Importance
Richard Woolcott
3. Perceptions and the Capacity to Persuade
John McCarthy
4. President Joko Widodo’s Foreign Policy: Implications for Indonesia-Australia Relations
Evi Fitriani
5. Ignorant and Ill-disposed?: Opinion Polling and Attitudes to the other between Australia and Indonesia
Dave McRae and Diane Zhang
6. Through a Glass, Darkly: Bali, Bad News and Australia-Indonesia Relations
Tim Lindsey
7. Prospects for the Australia-Indonesia Defence Relationship
Peter Jennings
8. Big Fears about Small Boats: How Asylum Seekers Keep Upsetting the Indonesia-Australia Relationship
Antje Missbach
9. Islam in Australia-Indonesia Relations: Fear, Stereotypes and Opportunity
Greg Fealy
10. Indonesia, Australia and ASEAN
Catherine Renshaw
11. On the Periphery: Human Rights, Australia and Indonesia
Ken Setiawan
12. A Common Enemy: Police Cooperation between Australia and Indonesia
Michael McKenzie
13. Successful Justice Sector Collaboration: A Prerequisite for a Healthy Australia-Indonesia Relationship
Denny Indrayana
14. Papua as a Multilateral Issue for Indonesia and Australia
Richard Chauvel
15. Indonesia and Australia: Ties that Rarely Bind
Endy M Bayuni
16. Our Man in Indonesia
Michael Bachelard
17. Beyond Cultural Diplomacy: The Artistic Nuance in Australia-Indonesia Relations
Joseph Mitchell and Lydia Teychenné
18. Inside Indonesia: Taking on Australia’s Disinterest, Ignorance and Isolationism
Jemma Purdey
19. Friendship, Partnership, Action: Women and the Bilateral Relationship
Virginia Hooker
20. Language, Learning, and Living Together: Education as a Bilateral Barometer
David T Hill
21. Enhancing the Bond: Narratives of Indonesian Academics from Two Continents
Muhammad Najib Azca, Atin Prabandari and Priyambudi Sulistiyanto
22. The Unexamined Gift: Australia’s Aid Relationship with Indonesia
Robin Davies
23. Economic Policy in the Australia-Indonesia Relationship: Unbound Potential, Everlasting Anticlimax
Matthew Busch
24. A Business Perspective
Debnath Guharoy
25. Young and Connected: How Youth Programs and Organisations Build Links between Australia and Indonesia
Rachelle Cole and Arjuna Dibley