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Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union (eBook)

Edited by: Graham Butler, Adam Lazowski

ISBN13: 9781509950010
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £67.49
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The role of Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union remains notoriously under-researched. With a few notable exceptions, not much ink has been spilled on analysing their contribution to the judicial discourse that emerges from the Court's Palais in Luxembourg. More generally, their impact on the shaping of EU law is only sporadically explored. This book fills the lacunae by offering an in-depth analysis of the way in which the UK Advocates General contributed to development of EU law during 47 years of the UK's membership of the EU.

During their terms of office, Advocates General Jean-Pierre Warner (1973-1981), Gordon Slynn (1981-1988), Francis Jacobs (1988-2006), and Eleanor Sharpston (2006-2020) delivered over 1400 Opinions. This staggering contribution of the four individuals and their cabinets of legal secretaries was supplemented by an Opinion of a then Judge of the Court of First Instance, David Edward, who was called to act as an Advocate General in two joined cases in what is now the General Court. With the last UK Advocate General departing from the Court of Justice in September 2020, an important era has ended. With this watershed moment, it is apt to take a look back and critically analyse the contribution to development of EU law made by the UK Advocates General, and to elucidate the lasting impact they have had on the nature of EU law.

EU Law, eBooks
Graham Butler and Adam Lazowski
Anthony M. Collins
Graham Butler and Adam Lazowski
1. Let's Take the Canvass Out: Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Graham Butler and Adam Lazowski
2. Framing Exercises: The Role of the Advocates General
Mitchel de S-O-l'E Lasser
3. Shaping EU Law: Ireland and the Common Law in Europe
Nial Fennelly
4. Culture Clash? The UK Tradition of Open Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union
Aidan O'Neill
5. The History and Biographies of the UK Advocates General
Vera Fritz
6. Accession to the Communities, and Compensation under the Common Agricultural Policy: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Ireland v Council
Elaine Fahey
7. Horizontal Application of EU Law, Non-discrimination on Grounds of Nationality, and EU Sports Law: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Walrave and Koch
Stephen Weatherill
8. Reconciling the Special Provision on State Monopolies with the General Provisions on the Free Movement of Goods: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Manghera
Graham Butler
9. Equivalence and Effectiveness in the Enforcement of EU Rights: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Rewe
Alan Dashwood
10. Previous Criminal Convictions and Public Policy Exceptions: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Bouchereau
Christa Tobler
11. Rights of Undertakings in EU Antidumping Proceedings: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Bearings I
Rosa Greaves
12. Free Movement of Goods and the Public Morality Exception: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Henn and Darby
Adam Cygan
13. An Expedient of Proceedings: Opinion of Advocate General Warner in Foglia v Novello I
Kieran Bradley
14. Legal Professional Privilege in EU Competition Law: Opinions of Advocates General Warner and Slynn in AM&S Europe
James Flynn
15. Artificial Arrangements and References for a Preliminary Ruling: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Foglia v Novello II
Daniel Sarmiento
16. The Intrinsic Value of Part-time Work in the Construction of the Internal Market: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Levin
Jeff Kenner
17. Free Movement of Goods and the Public Security Exception: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Campus Oil
Graham Butler
18. Ants Working Hard, and the Free Movement of Legal Services as Professional Activities: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Klopp
Takis Tridimas
19. Blurring the Boundaries of the Free Movement of Goods: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Cinéthèque
Eleanor Spaventa
20. Formal-Style Reasoning and its Progeny: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Marshall I
John Cotter
21. Free Movement of Goods and Double Standards in Public Morality: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Conegate
Laurence W Gormley
22. To Beer, Or Not to Beer? That is the Public Health Question: Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Commission v Germany (Beer Purity)
Steve Terrett
23. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Commission When Dealing with Complaints about Infringements of EU Competition Law: Opinion of Judge Edward Acting as Advocate General in Automec and Asia Motor France
Richard Whish
24. The Rehabilitation of Trade Marks, the Demise of the Doctrine of Common Origin, and the Overruling of Prior Case Law: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in HAG II
David T Keeling
25. 'Civis Europeus Sum', Thirty Years On: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Konstantinidis
Dimitry Kochenov
26. Don't Let Them Steal Our Music Away: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in the Legal Duet of Phil Collins and Cliff Richard
Adam Lazowski
27. The Relationship between the Action for Annulment and Preliminary Reference Procedures: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in TWD
Angela Ward and Graham Butler
28. Ulysses Unbound? Political Questions, Judicial Answers, and the Rule of Law in EU Foreign Policy: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Commission v Greece (FYROM)
Geert De Baere
29. Effective Judicial Protection of EU Rights before National Courts: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Van Schijndel
Andrea Biondi
30. The Meeting of International Sanctions and European Human Rights: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Bosphorus
Piet Eeckhout
31. The Game Over the Boards: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Albany
Carl Baudenbacher
32. The Virtue of Moderation: Opinions of Advocate General Jacobs in Oscar Bronner and PreussenElektra
Luca Rubini
33. Protecting the Rights of Individuals: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in UPA
Anthony Arnull
34. Breaking New Ground on EU Fundamental Rights: Opinions of Advocate General Jacobs in Wachauf and Schmidberger
Peter Oliver
35. Restrictions on Advertising and the Free Movement of Goods and Services: Opinions of Advocate General Jacobs in Leclerc-Siplec, De Agostini, and Gourmet
Stefan Enchelmaier
36. Achtung Baby! Objectives of International Agreements Matter: Opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Pokrzeptowicz-Meyer
Anna Labedzka
37. When Security Trumped the Rule of Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Heinrich
Helen Xanthaki and Adam Lazowski
38. The Inconvenience of Names: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Grunkin and Paul
Adrienne Yong
39. Legislation, Interpretation, and Equal Treatment: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Sturgeon
Paul Craig
40. 'When Citizens Move, They Do So as Human Beings, Not as Robots': Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Ruiz Zambrano
Niamh Nic Shuibhne
41. Access to Administrative and Judicial Review in Public Interest Litigation: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Slovak Bears
Theodore Konstadinides
42. The Notion of 'Court or Tribunal of a Member State': Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Miles
Tamara Capeta
43. Mutual Recognition, Mutual Trust, and EU Criminal Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Radu
Valsamis Mitsilegas
44. Discrimination on Grounds of Religion or Belief and Neutrality Requirements: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Bougnaoui
Ronan McCrea
45. EU Competence to Conclude Trade Agreements: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Opinion 2/15
Panos Koutrakos
46. Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives Reconsidered: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Farrell II
Eleni Frantziou
47. The Rule of Law, Sincere Cooperation between Member States, and Solidarity: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Temporary Relocation
Michael-James Clifton
48. Homophobic Speech and its Prohibition under EU Anti-discrimination Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in NH
Alina Tryfonidou
49. The Right to a Tribunal Established by Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Simpson and HG
Sébastien Platon
50. Reflections of an Advocate General: 1988–2006
Francis G Jacobs
51. Reflections of a Judge Acting as Advocate General in the Court of First Instance: 1990–1992
David Edward
52. 'Can't Those European Judges Think for Themselves?' An Afterword on Why the Court (Still) Needs its Advocates General
Eleanor Sharpston
53. Neither Advocates, Nor Generals: The UK Advocates General and the Shaping of EU Law
Graham Butler and Adam Lazowski