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Money Laundering Compliance 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781526525956
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780434964
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £160.00

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Designed to be used as a constant reference and user-friendly companion, the Fourth Edition provides a technical and practical overview of both the UK and key international provisions designed to prevent the laundering of the proceeds of serious crime and the financing of terrorism. As well as a new chapter on cryptoassets and regulation the new Edition has been completely revised in line with recent legislation and case law, and also includes new and updated material covering:

  • beneficial owner disclosure for companies
  • significant controller registers (companies)
  • company ownership registers
  • UK land registry ownership disclosure for entities
  • “Economic Substance” (companies)
  • trust registers
  • Amended FATF 40 + 9 Recommendations
  • anti-Oligarch sanctions & Klepto regulations

This is an essential resource to ensure finance professionals, private bankers, lawyers, trust and estate practitioners, and other advisers are up to date with this increasingly complex and sensitive area of law.

Money Laundering
1. Introduction: The Core Principles, and Towards a 'Cashless Society'
2. The UK AML-CFT Framework – Background
3. The UK AML-CFT Framework – The Principal UK ML Offences
4. The UK AML-CFT Framework – Failure to Disclose and Tipping-off
5. The UK AML-CFT Framework – Tracing, Asset Recovery and Forfeiture
6. The UK AML-CFT Framework – The Money Laundering Regulations and JMLSG Guidance
7. The UK AML-CFT Framework – Technical Issues
8. Fiscal Offences, Foreign Tax Enforcement, 'Legacy' Issues, FATCA and Amnesty Programmes
9. Tax Transparency, TIEAs, OECD Automatic Exchange of Tax information and the Common Reporting Standard
10. EU initiatives and the Money Laundering Directives
11. Customer Due Diligence, Compliance and Risk Management
12. STR Reporting Procedures and Dealing with the Client
13. Legal Professionals and Practitioners – Specific Issues
14. Trustees, Executors and TSPs – Specific Issues
15. CSPs: Specific Issues
16. Banks (Internal Policies) and Investment Managers – Specific Issues
17. AML in Selected Non-UK Jurisdictions
18. Bribery and Corruption
19. Concerns and Conclusions