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Constitution Making

Edited by:  Sujit Choudhry, Tom Ginsburg

ISBN13: 9781783472956
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £50.00

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Constitution making is a topic of increasing scholarly and practical interest. Focusing on a set of important case studies, yet also featuring classic articles on the subject, this volume is a critical assembly of theoretical literature. Ensuring wide geographic and historical coverage, and including an original introduction by the editors, the collection provides an essential overview of the myriad of circumstances in which constitutions can be made.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
Sujit Choudhry and Tom Ginsburg

A Interest, Reason and Passion
1. Jon Elster (1995), ‘Forces and Mechanisms in the Constitution-Making Process’, Duke Law Journal, 45, 364–96
2. Nathan J. Brown (2008), ‘Reason, Interest, Rationality, and Passion in Constitution Drafting’, Perspectives on Politics, 6 (4), December, 675–89
B Modalities of Drafting: Legislatures, Conventions, Constituent Assemblies and Roundtables
3. Jon Elster (2006), ‘Legislatures as Constituent Assemblies’, in Richard W Baumann and Tsvi Kahana (eds), The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State, Chapter 9, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 181–97
4. Andrew Arato (2012), ‘Conventions, Constituent Assemblies, and Round Tables: Models, Principles and Elements of Democratic Constitution-Making’, Global Constitutionalism, 1 (1), 173–200
5. Donald L. Horowitz (2002), ‘Constitutional Design: Proposals Versus Processes’, in Andrew Reynolds (ed.), Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy: The Architecture of Democracy, Chapter 1, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 15–36
C Drafting and Constitutional Transitions?
6. Sujit Choudhry (2010), ‘After the Rights Revolution: Bills of Rights in the Post-Conflict State’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 6, 301–22
7. Yash Ghai and Guido Galli (2006), ‘Constitution-building Processes and Democratization: Lessons Learned’, in Democracy, Conflict, and Human Security: Further Readings, Chapter 16, Stockholm, Sweden: International IDEA, 232–49
8. Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg and James Melton (2008), ‘Baghdad, Tokyo, Kabul . . . : Constitution Making in Occupied States’, William and Mary Law Review, 49, 1139–78
9. Gabriel L. Negretto (2012), ‘Replacing and Amending Constitutions: The Logic of Constitutional Change in Latin America’, Law and Society Review, 46 (4), December, 749–79
10. Hanna Lerner (2010), ‘Constitution-writing in Deeply Divided Societies: The Incrementalist Approach’, Nations and Nationalism, 16 (1), January, 68–88
D Participation and Expertise
11. Vivien Hart (2003), ‘Democratic Constitution Making’, United States Institute of Peace, Special Report 107, July, 1–12
12. Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins and Justin Blount (2009), ‘Does the Process of Constitution-Making Matter?’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 5, 201–23
13. Yash Ghai (2005), ‘A Journey Around Constitutions: Reflections on Contemporary Constitutions’, South African Law Journal, 122 (4), 804–31

A Regional Accounts
14. David Landau (2013), ‘Constitution-Making Gone Wrong’, Alabama Law Review, 64 (5), 923–80
15. Jon Elster (1993), ‘Constitution-Making in Eastern Europe: Rebuilding the Boat in the Open Sea’, Public Administration, 71, Spring/Summer, 169–217
B Country Experiences
16. Jack N. Rakove (1996), ‘The Politics of Constitution Making’, in Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution, Chapter 1, New York, NY, USA: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 57–93
17. Keith S. Rosenn (2010), ‘Conflict Resolution and Constitutionalism: The Making of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988’, in Laurel E. Miller and Louis Aucoin (eds), Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making, Chapter 16, Washington, DC, USA: United Institute of Peace Press, 435–66
18. Nathan Brown (2013), ‘Tracking the “Arab Spring”: Egypt’s Failed Transition’, Journal of Democracy, 24 (4), October, 45–58
19. Carl J. Friedrich (1949), ‘Rebuilding the German Constitution I’, American Political Science Review, XLIII (3), June, 461–82
20. Carl J. Friedrich (1949), ‘Rebuilding the German Constitution II, American Political Science Review, XLIII (4), August, 704–20
21. Granville Austin (1966), ‘The Constituent Assembly – Microcosm in Action’, in The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Chapter 1, London, UK: Oxford University Press, 1–25
22. Granville Austin (1966), ‘Conclusion – Comments on A Successful Constitution’, in The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Chapter 13, London, UK: Oxford University Press, 308–30
23. Zaid Al-Ali (2014), ‘Creating a New Political Order‘ in The Struggle for Iraq’s Future: How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism have Undermined Democracy’, Chapter 3, New Haven, CT, London, UK: Yale University Press, 75–102
24. Beate Sirota Gordon (1997), ‘The Equal Rights Cause’, in The Only Woman in the Room: A Memoir, Chapter 5, Tokyo, Japan, New York, NY, USA and London, UK: Kodansha International, 103–25
25. Christina Murray (2013), ‘Kenya’s 2010 Constitution’, Neue Folge Band Jahrbuch des offentlichen Rechts, 61, 747–88
26. Hassen Ebrahim and Laurel E. Miller (2010), ‘Creating the Birth Certificate of a New South Africa: Constitution Making after Apartheid’, in Laurel E Miller and Louis Aucoin (eds), Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making, Chapter 5, Washington, DC, USA: United Institute of Peace Press, 111–57
27. Andrea Bonime-Blanc (2010), ‘Constitution Making and Democratization: The Spanish Paradigm’, in Laurel E. Miller and Louis Aucoin (eds), Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making, Chapter 15, Washington, DC, USA: United States Institute for Peace, 417–32
28. Devra C. Moehler (2006), ‘Participation and Support for the Constitution in Uganda’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 44 (2), June, 275–308
