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Blackstone's Study Pack: English Legal Method 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781841742779
ISBN: 1841742775
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Blackstone Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Given the enormity of the task that faces the average law student, it is no wonder that many students experience extreme difficulty during their undergraduate studies. They are faced with complex legal arguments, illogical structures and confusing facts, none of which make learning the law easy.

Blackstone's Study Packs have been developed to overcome these difficulties making the law accessible for all levels of students. Each study pack contains many features not normally found in traditional textbooks. Each chapter contains a set of learning objectives, research activities, self-assessment questions and some also include end of chapter assessment questions.

The cases and materials referred to in the text are contained on a CD-ROM inside the back cover of this book. The cases and materials contain a detailed personal library of extracts from both primary and secondary materials, which are fully cross-referenced from the text. The CD-ROM also contains the answers to the end of chapter assessment questions.

Blackstone's Study Packs should enable readers to monitor and evaluate their own progress, allowing them to remain in control of their learning and to study the law at their own pace.

This text provides a thorough introduction to the structure, jurisdiction and personnel involved in the English court system. It also contains a detailed study of the major sources of English Law. This edition expands the topics covered to include lay personnel and funding and includes recent legislation such as the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Access to Justice Act 1999.

Legal Manuals
A CD-ROM of Cases & Materials is included