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Policing: Politics, Culture and Control (eBook)

Edited by: Tim Newburn, Jill Peay

ISBN13: 9781847319685
Published: June 2012
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £76.50
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Bringing together a range of leading social scientists and criminologists, this volume explores a number of key themes raised by the work of Robert Reiner. Arguably the leading policing scholar of his generation, Reiner's work over some 40 years has ranged broadly in this field, taking in the study of police culture, organisation, elites, and relationships with the media. Always carefully situated within an analysis of the changing socio-political circumstances of policing and crime control, Robert Reiner's scholarship has been path-breaking in its impact.

The thirteen original essays in this volume are testament to Reiner's influence. Although reflecting the primarily British bent within his work, the essays also draw on contributors from Australia, Europe, South Africa and the United States to explore some of the leading debates of the moment. These include, but are not limited to, the impact of neoliberalism on crime control and the challenges for modern social democracy; police culture, equality and political economy; new media and the future of policing; youth, policing and democracy, and the challenges and possibilities posed by globalisation in the fields of policing and security.

Police and Public Order Law, eBooks
1. Robert Reiner: An Intellectual Portrait
Tim Newburn and Paul Rock
2. Beyond Lamentation: Towards a Democratic Egalitarian Politics of Crime and Justice
Ian Loader and Richard Sparks
3. 'Race', Political Economy and the Coercive State
Ben Bowling, Coretta Phillips and James Sheptycki
4. Developments in Police Research: Views from Across the North Sea
Bob Hoogenboom and Maurice Punch
5. Cop Culture
PAJ Waddington
6. From Juliet to Jane: Women Police in TV Cop Shows, Reality, Rank and Careers
Frances Heidensohn and Jennifer Brown
7. Trial by Media: Riots, Looting, Gangs and Mediatised Police Chiefs
Chris Greer and Eugene McLaughlin
8. 'The Anvil' in the Information Age: Police, Politics and Media
Martin Innes and Roger Graef
9. Drama, the Police and the Sacred
Peter K Manning
10. Something Old, Something New; Something Not Entirely Blue: Uneven and Shifting Modes of Crime Control
Michael Levi and Mike Maguire
11. Democracy and Police and Crime Commissioners
Trevor Jones, Tim Newburn and David J Smith
12. Waiting for Ingleby: the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – a Red Line Issue?
David Downes and Rod Morgan
13. The Shifting Boundaries of Policing: Globalisation and its Possibilities
Philip C Stenning and Clifford D Shearing