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Looking Ahead

ISBN13: 9789041198594
ISBN: 9041198598
Published: March 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £195.00

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The Canadian Council on International Law was founded in 1972 by a group of some of Canada's leading and most distinguished scholars and practitioners in international law. The Council supports the development and exchange of ideas amongst a community of persons interested in international law with particular focus on the Canadian perspective on international matters. To this end, one of the major activities of the Council is to hold an annual conference.;This volume, based on the conference proceedings of 2000, comprises of a collection of essays written by leading academics and practitioners on the theme ""Looking Ahead: International Law in the 21st Century"". A wide range of subject areas are addressed, including the International Criminal Court, international legal theory, international dispute resolution, public international law, private international law, international trade law, international human rights law, international environmental law, immigration law and technology and international law.;This work should be of value to international lawyers in both the public and private spheres, legal scholars and those interested in international relations.

Opening Roundtable: International Criminal Law / Seance d'Ouverture: Table Ronde en Droit International Criminal. The International Criminal Court: Progress to Date and Prospects for the Future; C. Feehly. La mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome sur le plan national: le processus canadien; K. Janik. Panel A-1: International Legal Theory/Atelier A-1: La Theorie Juridique Internationale. Subject: Feminism, Ecology and Critical Theory/Sujet: Feminisme, ecologie et theorie critique. New Theoretical Perspectives on International Law: Ecological Political Economy; M. M'Gonigle. Panel A-2: International Dispute Resolution/Atelier A-2: La Resolution des Litiges Internationaux. Subject: The Fugure of International Dispute Resolution/Sujet: L'avenir de la resolution des litiges internationaux. The Continued Evolution of International Adjudication; J. Allain. Investment Disputes Between States and Private Parties: Enhancing Private Access Through International Arbitration; R.M. Fathallah. International Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century: The Revitalization of National Courts; J. Walker. Panel B-1: Public International Law/Atelier B-1: Droit Public International. Subject: Changing Interface between International Politics and International Law/Sujet: Le point de convergence de la politique internationale et du droit international. Panel Discussion; M. Buyers. Panel B-2: Private International Law/Atelier B-2: Droit International Prive. Subject: Jurisdiction Choice of Law and Public Policy in the 21st Century/Sujet: La Juridiction, le droit applicable et la politique sociale au 21eme siecle. Morguard and the Plaintiff's Choice of Forum; G. Saumier. After Tolofson: whither Canadian Choice of Law; J. McEvoy. Panel C-1: International Trade Law/Atelier C-1: Droit du Commerce International. Subjects: Diplomats, Technocrats or Democrats -- Advancing Trade Agreements in the Next Decade/Sujet: Diplomated, technocrates ou democrates -- la promotion des accords commerciaux au cours de la prochaine decennie. The Role of U.S. Businesses in Negotiation and Enforcement of Trade Agreements in the Next Decade; C. Curtiss. The Role of NGOs in the Development of New Trade Law; C. Elwell. Export Subsidies and the World Trade Organization -- Executive Summary; M. Annand, et al. Panel C-2: International Human Rights Law/Atelier C-2: Droit International Humanitaire. Subject: Globalization and Economic and Social Rights / Sujet: La globalisation et les droits sociaux et economiques. International Trade Law and Human Rights; T. Zuijdwijk. Panel D-1: International Environmental Law/Atelier D-1: Droit International de l'Environnement. Subject: Resource Management Trends for the Future/Sujet: LKa gestion des ressources -- la tendance pour l'avenir. Transboundary Water Management and the Development of International Environmental and Resources Law; J.O. Saunders. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Opportunities and Challenges; P.Y. Yang. The Emergence of Carbon as a Global Commodity; D. Goe

Series: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Council on International Law

Globalism: People, Profits and Progress ISBN 9789041198990
Published November 2002
Kluwer Law International
From Territorial Sovereignty to Human Security/De La Souverainete Territoriale a La Securite Humaine
ISBN 9789041198297
Published November 2000
Kluwer Law International