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The Effective Youth Court: Juvenile Justice Procedures in Europe

ISBN13: 9789462361126
Published: April 2014
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.50

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

The Effective Youth Court is purpose-made for professionals and academics working in the field of juvenile justice to inform them about a new interdisciplinary perspective. The book explores the way juvenile defendants are involved in the courtroom. The leading idea of the book is that a combination of two perspectives is required to be able to react legally correct and adequately to youth delinquency. Knowledge of the legal framework that has been developed in the past decades in the area of human rights, particularly the procedural rights of the child, has to be enriched with social scientific insights in the development and treatment of the child. First, the book develops a normative framework for the application of the right to be heard in the youth court. Then it offers a comparative analysis of the actual practice of participation of juvenile defendants in Europe. In total 50 youth courts have been visited, involving more than 3000 cases of juvenile defendants. Finally, best practices in the youth court procedure are designated regarding the actual participation of juvenile defendants.

EU Law

Part I The Right to be Heard: a Normative Framework
1. A Children's Rights Perspective
2. A Psychological Perspective
3. Requirements for the Effective Participation of Juvenile Defendants

Part II Law in Action: Eleven Countries Compared
4. General Characteristics of the Juvenile Justice Process
5. Main Actors in the Juvenile Justice System

Part III Best Practices
6. Hearing the Views of Juvenile Defendants
7. Juvenile Defendants' Understanding
8. Conclusions, Discussion and Recommendations
