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Introduction to Classical Legal Rhetoric (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781351926324
ISBN: 0754624137
Published: June 2005
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £36.66
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Lawyers, law students and their teachers all too frequently overlook the most comprehensive, adaptable and practical analysis of legal discourse ever devised: the classical art of rhetoric. Classical analysis of legal reasoning, methods and strategy is the foundation and source for most modern theories on the topic.

Beginning with Aristotle's Rhetoric and culminating with Cicero's De Oratore and Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria, Greek and Roman rhetoricians created a clear, experience-based theoretical framework for analyzing legal discourse. This book is the first to systematically examine the connections between classical rhetoric and modern legal discourse.

It traces the history of legal rhetoric from the classical period to the present day and shows how modern theorists have unknowingly benefited from the classical works. It also applies classical rhetorical principles to modern appellate briefs and judicial opinions to demonstrate how a greater familiarity with the classical sources can deepen our understanding of legal reasoning.

Greco-Roman rhetoric: the canon and its history; Greco-Roman legal analysis: the topics of invention; Brief rhetoric: classical principles of organization; Ethos, pathos and legal audience; Greco-Roman analysis of metaphoric reasoning; Greco-Roman elements of forensic style; The rhetoric of dissent: a Greco-Roman analysis; Bibliography; Index.