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European Union Environmental Law (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781351938235
ISBN: 1855215829
Published: April 2006
Publisher: Routledge
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £31.66
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This comprehensive book provides analysis and discussion on key selected issues in EU environmental law. It attempts to provide the reader with a clear picture of some of the most important developments in this increasingly significant sphere of European business law. The issues covered include the community and environmental competence; the importance of coordination through the 'Regulatory Chain' for implementation and enforcement of environmental objectives and principles; and the protection of European habitats and species. Environmental impact assessment is also examined, as well as environmental protection and the free movement of goods. Lastly, the issues of waste management in the community and the legal response to global warming are considered. This is an accessible work for all students of the subject, both academic and professional.

The community and environmental competence; Environmental objectives and principles; Implementation and enforcement: the importance of coordination through the 'Regulatory Chain'; The protection of European habitats and species; Environmental impact assessment; Environmental protection and the free movement of goods; Waste management in the community; The legal response to global warming; Index.