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Family Enterprises: How to Build Growth, Family Control and Family Harmony (eBook)

Edited by: Richard L. Narva

ISBN13: 9781787420069
Published: March 2015
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £125.00
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Recognition of the power and importance of businesses controlled by family shareholder groups has grown steadily over the past 30 years. Apologies for working in the family business in the 1980s and 1990s have been replaced by public pride on the parts of leaders of family controlled firms for their enduring growth under family control and contributions to all stakeholders in the enterprise.

What has been missing from the business literature is a guide to the processes, structures and interventions that assist familycontrolled enterprises to sustain continuity of growth, family control and family harmony. This book compiles the wisdom of experienced leaders of family growth companies and those who advise them, focusing on what works to sustain business success without sacrificing family relationships or control. Each of the contributors is grounded in deep management or professional expertise guiding or advising family-controlled enterprises. And each chapter contains clear, practical advice on how to address issues that challenge family firm leaders and their advisers on a regular basis.

This new book demonstrates to members of family shareholder control groups, their non-family executives and members of the boards of directors, as well as lawyers and other longterm advisers, that there are ways to address the emotionally powerful issues and challenges that are specific to family controlled enterprises. Many of these proven solutions to the special requirements of leading family firms have broad global applications, assisting them to grow, without sacrificing their culture or strategy.

Company Law, Banking and Finance, eBooks
Table of contents

Part I. Understanding the power and constraints of family shareholder control groups

The entrepreneurial family
Family systems and family business
Family solutions for family issues
Characteristics of century old family firms
Understanding patriarchal leadership of family enterprises
Choosing a clinically trained professional to assist a family shareholder control group
Entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms: reassessing the fixation on ‘success’ and ‘failure’ in family enterprises
How to manage an enterprise alongside a visionary founder/leader
Family enterprise and entrepreneurship

Part II. Building human capital to lead family controlled enterprises

Contributions of a council of advisers to family controlled growth companies
The family, non-exec chairman
The chief talent officer
The general counsel as consigliers
Executive coaching challenges with family firms
How to hire, train, retain and compensate a family enterprise attorney
How to hire, educate, retain and compensate a family enterprise financial adviser
The challenges of serving as a family firm trustee

Part III. Designing family controlled organisation for growth

Shareholder agreements
Family holding companies
Creating an effective fiduciary board for a FCE
Independent directors
Single family offices

Part IV. Strategising and financing growth of the family controlled enterprise

The special pitfalls family shareholder control groups face trying to grow by acquisition
Managing the family controlled real estate portfolio
How to manage the successful disposition of a family firm