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Social Wefare and EU Law

ISBN13: 9781841134901
ISBN: 1841134902
Published: July 2005
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

The assumption that Member States of the European Union enjoyed exclusive competence over social provision has been shaken by the realisation that they are now “semi-sovereign welfare states” whose policy choices are subject to increasing scrutiny under Community law. This book seeks to take stock of how Community membership is reshaping the legal environment of welfare provision across Europe.

Topics covered include: the evolving economic and governance debates about Community intervention in social rights; the relationship between public services and Community competition and state aids law; the crucial developments which have taken place in the sphere of health care; and recent judgments on free movement and equal treatment for Union citizens as regards national education and social assistance policies. Social Welfare and EU Law provides a valuable collection of essays overall exploring the emergence of new models of social solidarity within the European Union.

EU Law
Michael Dougan and Eleanor Spaventa
1. The ‘Capability’ Concept and the Evolution of European Social Policy
Simon Deakin
2. The Euro and the Welfare State
Mica Panic
3. Privatisation of Social Welfare: European Union Competition Law Rules
John Temple Lang
4. Aims, Effects and Justifications: EC State Aid Law and Its Impact on National Social Policies
Andrea Biondi & Luca Rubini
5. Healthcare as an Economic Service under EC Law
Panos Koutrakos
6. Community Competence to Regulate Medical Services
Derrick Wyatt
7. Impact of European Union Law on English Healthcare Law
Jonathan Montgomery
8. EU Citizenship and the Principle of Solidarity
Catherine Barnard
9.‘Wish You Weren’t Here...’ New Models of Social Solidarity in the European Union
Michael Dougan & Eleanor Spaventa
10. EU Law and Education: Promotion of Student Mobility versus Protection of Education Systems
Anne Pieter van der Mei
11. Inclusion and Exclusion of Persons and Benefits in the New Co-ordination Regulation
Frans Pennings
12. Between a Rock and a Soft Place: Internal Market versus Open Co-ordination in EU Social Welfare Law
Nick Bernard

Series: Essays in European Law

50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward ISBN 9781841138329
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (eBook) ISBN 9781847317223
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals ISBN 9781841137575
Published July 2008
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781841135649
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law (eBook)
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781847316967
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Law and New Governance in the EU and the US ISBN 9781841135434
Published April 2006
Hart Publishing
Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice ISBN 9781841134864
Published May 2005
Hart Publishing
Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union ISBN 9781841134260
Published November 2004
Hart Publishing
EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach ISBN 9781841133768
Published July 2004
Hart Publishing
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ISBN 9781841134499
Published April 2004
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Treaty of Nice and Beyond: Enlargement and Constitutional Reform ISBN 9781841133393
Published November 2003
Hart Publishing