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Language Rights

Edited by: Stephen May

ISBN13: 9781472428097
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £195.00

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This reference volume brings together the key academic contributions that have shaped the field of language rights over the last 40 years. Work in language rights is particularly concerned with the rights of minority language speakers in modern nation-states. It also encompasses related discussions on language endangerment, the maintenance of bilingualism and multilingualism, the role of education, and the impact of English as the current world language in an increasingly globalized world.

As such, the field of language rights is also strongly interdisciplinary, drawing on work in language policy, sociolinguistics, political theory, law and education - all key disciplinary areas that are represented in this volume. It is also avowedly international, with discussion in this volume of contexts that span Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania/the Pacific region. The various contributions in this volume also address a range of linguistic minority groups, including Indigenous peoples, national minorities, and migrant groups.

This volume is relevant to a wide range of students and scholars interested in issues of language endangerment, linguistic justice, language and citizenship, human rights, Indigenous studies, language education, bilingualism and multilingualism, and English as a world language.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Introduction: Surveying language rights: interdisciplinary perspectives, Stephen May.

Part 1 Language Endangerment and Language Ecology: The world's languages in crisis, Michael Krauss
The changing linguistic ecology of the Pacific region, Peter Muhlhausler
Why something should be done, Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine
Linguistic, cultural and biological diversity, Luisa Maffi
The ecology of language revival, John Edwards
Language policy and the ecological turn, Alastair Pennycook.

Part 2 Language Rights 'versus' Language Mobility: Sociolinguistics: Human rights and language wrongs - a future for diversity?, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
English only worldwide or language ecology?, Robert Phillipson and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
Globalizing English: are linguistic human rights an alternative to linguistic imperialism?, Robert Phillipson
Class, ethnicity and language rights: an analysis of British colonial policy in Lesotho and Sri Lanka and some implications for language policy, Janina Brutt-Griffler
Language rights: moving the debate forward, Stephen May
Language and ethnic minority rights, Lionel Wee. Political Theory: Survey article: the justification of minority language rights, Allan Patten
A liberal democratic approach to language justice, David Laitin and Rob Reich
The language of democracy: vernacular or Esperanto? A comparison between the multiculturalist and cosmopolitan perspectives, Daniele Archibugi
Cosmopolitanism and global English: language politics in globalisation debates, Peter Ives
Contesting public monolingualism and diglossia: rethinking political theory and language policy for a multilingual world, Stephen May.

Part 3 Language Rights and the Law: Language rights as an integral part of human rights, Fernand de Varennes
Minority language rights in international law, Robert Dunbar
Language rights: the 'Cinderella' human right, Stephen May.

Part 4 Language Rights and Education: Language policy, language education, language rights: indigenous, immigrant and international perspectives, Nancy Hornberger
Native American languages in and out of the safety zone, 1492-2012, Teresa McCarty
African mother-tongue programmes and the politics of language: linguistic citizenship versus linguistic human rights, Christopher Stroud
Multilingualism of the unequals and predicaments of education in India: mother tongue or other tongue?, Ajit Mohanty.
