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Energy Justice and Energy Law

Edited by: Inigo del Guayo, et al

ISBN13: 9780198860754
Published: May 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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Energy justice has emerged over the last decade as a matter of vital concern in energy law, which can be seen in the attention directed to energy poverty, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There are energy justice concerns in areas of law as diverse as human rights, consumer protection, international law and trade, and in many forms of regional and national energy law and regulation.

This edited collection explores in detail at four kinds of energy justice. The first, distributive justice, relates to the equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of energy activities, which is challenged by the existence of people suffering from energy poverty. Secondly, procedural (or participation) justice consists of the right of all communities to participate in decision-making regarding energy projects and policies that affect them. This dimension of energy justice often includes procedural rights to information and access to courts. Under the concept of reparation (or restorative) justice, the book looks at even-handed enforcement of energy statutes and regulations, as well as access to remedies when legal rights are violated. Finally, the collection addresses social justice, with the recognition that energy injustice cannot be separated from other social ills, such as poverty and subordination based on race, gender, or indigeneity. These issues feed into a wider conversation about how we achieve a 'just' energy transition, as the world confronts the urgent challenges of climate change.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Part I. Introduction
1: Introduction, Iñigo del Guayo, Lee Godden, Don Zillman, Milton Fernando Montoya, and José Juan González
Part II. Conceptual and International Law Context
2: Energy justice: understanding the "ethical turn" in energy law and policy, Aileen McHarg
3: Energy poverty and energy access: a legal analysis, Iñigo del Guayo
4: And just for all? Energy justice in international law, Catherine Redgwell and Lavanya Rajamani
Part III. Procedural Justice, Community Participation, and Restorative Justice
5: Community energy and a just energy transition: what we know, and what we still need to find out, Annalisa Savaresi
6: Electricity network tariffs regulation and distributive energy justice: balancing the need for new investments and a fair energy transition, Catherine Banet
7: Collaborating with underserved communities to contribute to decarbonization in the U.S., Lee Paddock and Achinthi Vithanage
8: Energy justice along the "New Silk Road": balancing investors' and consumers' rights in Central Asia, Anatole Boute
Part IV. Consumers at the Frontline of a New Energy Justice
9: State protection of energy consumers: between human rights and private sector regulation, Hanri Mostert and Tjakie Naude
10: Energy market reforms in the EU: a new focus on energy poverty and energy (in)justice, Martha Roggenkamp and Lea Diestelmeier
11: Energy justice and energy transition in Australia: from remote access to consumer protection, Lee Godden
Part V. Access to Energy, Poverty, and Distributive Justice
12: Justice and the design of climate change legislation: avoiding regressive measures, Barry Barton and Jennifer Campion
13: Meanings of energy poverty in the South American context: a regional overview, Milton Fernando Montoya and others
14: The challenges of rural electrification in Canada, Al Lucas
15: Energy poverty in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region: divergent tales and future prospects, Damilola S. Olawuyi
Part VI. Energy at the Centre of Social (or Recognition) Justice
16: Trump's America and its impact on energy justice, Don Zillman and Don Smith
17: Energy justice, law, and poverty in the context of Mesoamerican countries, José Juan González
18: Energy justice in transitional China: law and policy perspective, Wang Mingyuang and Yang Xue
19: Power to the people? Comparative analyses of energy access in Ghana, Rwanda, and Nigeria, Yinka Omorogbe
Part VII. Conclusion
Conclusion, Íñigo del Guayo, Lee Godden, Don Zillman, Milton Fernando Montoya, and José Juan González