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Reengineering the Sharing Economy: Design, Policy, and Regulation

Edited by: Babak Heydari, Ozlem Ergun, Rashmi Dyal-Chand, Yakov Bart

ISBN13: 9781108496032
Published: April 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

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The current sharing economy suffers from system-wide deficiencies even as it produces distinctive benefits and advantages for some participants. The first generation of sharing markets has left us to question: Will there be any workers in the sharing economy? Can we know enough about these technologies to regulate them? Is there any way to avoid the monopolization of assets, information, and wealth? Using convergent, transdisciplinary perspectives, this volume examines the challenge of reengineering a sharing economy that is more equitable, democratic, sustainable, and just. The volume enhances the reader's capacity for integrating applicable findings and theories in business, law and social science into ethical engineering design and practice. At the same time, the book helps explain how technological innovations in the sharing economy create value for different stakeholders and how they impact society at large.

1. Introduction Babak Heydari
Ozlem Ergun, Rashmi Dyal-Chand and Yakov Bart
Part I. Cross-Cutting Foundations and Norms for the Sharing Economy of Tomorrow:
2. A sociotechnical ecosystem perspective of sharing economy platforms
Babak Heydari
3. The sharing economy and environmental sustainability
Matthew J. Eckelman and Yuliya Kalmykova
4. Sharing economy and privacy
Laetitia Lambillotte and Yakov Bart
5. Sharing and reputation
Steve Tadelis
6. Labor and the platform economy
Juliet B. Schor and Steven P. Vallas
7. Contemplating the next generation of sharing economy regulation
Rashmi Dyal-Chand
Part II. Sharing in Context - Domains, Applications, and Effects:
8. Understanding the impact of ridesharing services on traffic congestion
Mehdi Behroozi
9. Increasing shareability in ride-pooling systems: opportunities and empirical studies
Haris N. Koutsopoulos and Zhenliang Ma
10. How the sharing economy is reshaping the dynamics of neighborhoods: a theoretical presentation and a test case
Dan O'Brien, Babak Heydari and Laiyang Ke
11. Sharing in future energy systems
Michael Kane, Elizabeth Allen, Yutong Si and Jennie C. Stephens
12. Shared last mile delivery: current trends and future opportunities
Necati Duman, Ozlem Ergun and Mehdi Behroozi
13. Future themes in sharing economy
Babak Heydari, Ozlem Ergun, Rashmi Dyal-Chand and Yakov Bart