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Third Party Funding: Law, Economics and Policy (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781108570886
Published: September 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £25.99
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In Third Party Funding, Gian Marco Solas, for the first time, describes third party funding (TPF) as stand-alone practice within the wider litigation and legal markets. The book reports on legal issues related to TPF in both common law and civil law jurisdictions, and in the international context. It then discusses the incentives and economics of TPF transactions in different legal contexts while explaining how the practice emerged and how it is likely to develop. In addition, the book offers practical insights into TPF transactions and analyzes a number of regulatory proposals that could affect its use and desirability. This work should be read by scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and anyone else interested in how TPF is changing the practice of law.

  • Addresses thoroughly the legal issues related to TPF from a civil law perspective
  • Allows readers to make a more accurate economic analysis of this practice through a broader, more complete comparative legal overview and practical business experience
  • Provides comprehensive legal and economic analysis that allows policy discussions to be faced at different levels and internationally

eBooks, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
Part I. A Comparative Overview:
2. An Historical Overview
3. Third Party Funding: A Comparative Legal and Factual Overview
Part II. An Economic Analysis:
4. The Emergence of the Litigation Market and Third Party Funding
5. An Economic Analysis of Third Party Funding
6. Social Impact of Third Party Funding
Part III. Regulatory and Policy Considerations:
7. Third Party Funding Transactions and Related Proceedings
8. Regulation of Third Party Funding and Other Policy Issues
9. Conclusions