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The Making of the Chinese Civil Code: Promises and Persistent Problems (eBook)

Edited by: Hao Jiang, Pietro Sirena

ISBN13: 9781009336604
Published: September 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £105.00
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The Chinese Civil Code (2020) is the first ever Civil Code in mainland China since 1949. In addition to the consolidation of existing civil legislations, the Code incorporated a number of doctrinal and structural changes that are significant both in and beyond China. The chapters in this volume demonstrate the extent of European influence in Chinese Civil Law and also shows how Chinese law innovates upon those influences. The book shares the insights from both the key Chinese scholars who were directly involved in the drafting process and veteran Western scholars who study Chinese private law.

1. The making of a civil code in China: promises and perils of a new civil law Hao Jiang
2. Personality rights in China's new civil code: a response to increasing awareness of rights in an era of evolving technology Liming Wang and Bingwan Xiong
3. Force majeure or change of circumstances: an enduring dichotomy in Chinese law? Qiao Liu
4. Art.
580 (2) of the Chinese civil code: can the Chinese folk medicine cure serious illness? Shiyuan Han
5. Contractual consent in the new Chinese civil code Catherine Valcke
6. The security interests in Chinese law: some nuances Lei Chen
7. Chinese tort law in the era of the civil code Chunyan Ding
8. Causation in the Chinese civil code: a comparative law appraisal Marta Infantino and Weiwei Wang
9. The aims of tort law across China and the west Mauro Bussani
10. Classifying the passive appreciation of separate property during marriage in the Chinese civil code: a legal and economic analysis Jian He
11. The rule of law in traditional China James Gordley
12. The private law influence of the great Qing code Taisu Zhang
13. The new validity rules in Chinese civil code and Chinese state-owned enterprises' freedom in contracting: one step too far Hao Jiang and Antonia von Appen
14. Chinese civil law and soviet influences: what is left? Gianmaria Ajani
15. The connections between roman law and Chinese civil law: traditions, innovations and environmental protection Enrico Toti