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Employment, Labour and Industrial Law in Australia (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781108619691
Published: November 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £89.99
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Employment, Labour and Industrial Law in Australia provides a comprehensive, current and accessible resource for the undergraduate and Juris Doctor student. With a social and political background to the law, this text provides insightful legal analysis underscored by practical business experience, while exploring key principles through a close evaluation of laws and lively discussion of prominent cases.

Recognising the multi-faceted nature of the subject, the authors have included content on employment, labour and industrial law in the one text, while also presenting critical topics not often dealt with, namely:

  • current and In-depth analysis of trade union regulation
  • public work including the public sector, the judiciary and academics
  • workplace health and safety including worker's compensation, bullying, anti-discrimination and taxation
  • emerging issues including topics such as transnational and international employment law, migration and employment, as well as volunteers and work experience.
To maintain currency within this rapidly changing area of law, the text has a website which will include updates for any major developments in the field as well as responses to end-of-chapter questions. Written by respected academics and practicing lawyers in the field, Employment, Labour and Industrial Law in Australia is a relevant and contemporary guide to this fascinating area of law.

Other Jurisdictions , eBooks, Australia
1. Settling the contract: Essentials of formation and characterisation
2. The Employment Contract: Implied terms
3. Introduction to the Fair Work Act
4. Bargaining, awards and the National Employment Standards
5. Trade union law and regulation – unions and industrial action
6. The end of the employment relationship
7. Public work
8. Specialist legislation
9. Emerging issues and new frontiers.