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Essential Reads on Family Offices (eBook)

Edited by: Globe Law and Business

ISBN13: 9781787429956
Published: November 2023
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £95.00
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Your essential resource featuring insights from the world's foremost experts on the most pressing topics facing family offices and their advisers today.

This title features a collection of authoritative materials dedicated to providing family offices and their advisers with the most informative and thought-provoking contributions on these key themes, including:

  • Family office profiles: profiles of leading family offices from around the world, highlighting their unique structures, strategies, and values
  • Governance: best practices for developing and implementing effective governance structures and processes for family offices, and
  • Next gen planning: expert insights on how to prepare the next generation of family members and manage the family's wealth and legacy

We understand that family offices have complex and unique needs, and we are committed to providing both family offices and their advisers with the resources they need to thrive.

Contributions have been carefully curated from the prestigious archive of The International Family Offices Journal, co-published with STEP, and the Special Report, Family Business and Responsible Wealth Ownership.

Company Law, Banking and Finance, eBooks

Family office profiles
Family office profile: Rodolfo Paiz, CEO of the PT Family Office (Miami and Guatemala)
Interview by Suzy Peterfriend
Family office profile: Northwood Family Office
Interview with Tom McCullough by Barbara R Hauser
An interview with Sue Nickason of Dart Family Office
Governance, entrepreneurship, resilience and reinvention on the five-generation journey of a family enterprise
Dennis T Jaffe, Maya Prabhu and Carolina Cintra
Family office profile: VALUEworks AG, Zurich/Switzerland
Interview with with Kecia Barkawi, CEO and founder of VALUEworks AG by Barbara R Hauser
Family business, family office and next gen
Fabrizio Arengi Bentivoglio
Single-family offices in the 21st century – remaining fit for purpose
Iraj Ispahani and Carl Sjöström

Family office succession planning
Susan R Schoenfeld
The right time to involve the next generation
Antoaneta Proctor
Parental expectations: effective guidelines or messy messages?
Raimund Kamp
Not the founder’s family office: evolving to meet the needs of rising generations
Amelia Renkert-Thomas
Let’s do it the SMART way: a practical guide for the raising of affluent children
Philippe J Weil
I’m successful, but can’t talk to my children about money! Help!
Maya Prabhu
The hows and whys of enterprising families reinterpreting timeless tales for their NextGen
Asher Noor
Generational resilience through the integration of governance into structure
Carly E Doshi, William Kambas and Michael Schwartz
Reframing succession in a disruptive era – a business family perspective
Roger King and Jeremy Cheng
Five things wealthy families can learn from Lee Man Tat
Russell Cohen
The next generation of strategic cultural philanthropy – impact, social justice and the opportunities for nextgen donors in the arts
Melissa Cowley Wolf
Effective mentoring for the next generation
Jessica McGawley, Dallington Associates
Women: wealth and self-reliance
Philip Marcovici, The Offices of Philip Marcovici Limited
Caroline Underwood, Philanthropy Company
Safeguarding the family’s digital narrative: how to navigate the challenges of the social media revolution
Charlie Bain, Digitalis

Case study – design and set up of a family investment office
Guillermo Barandalla
Family mission vision and values statements: the essential foundation of an effective family governance system or just another form that cannot function?
Christian Stewart
The three family constitution archetypes and a wise alternative
Christian Stewart
Family constitutions, the rule of law and happiness
Barbara R Hauser
Stress tests – building resilience in the face of a crisis
David Werdiger
The benefits of applying the rule of law in family governance
Barbara R Hauser
The great man fallacy and family governance
Franklin J Parker