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Blocking Patents in European Competition Law: The Implications of the Concept of Abuse (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403538150
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £112.00
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Blocking Patents in European Competition Law is a thoroughly researched book that provides an overview of the developments in doctrine and practice leading to the current understanding of the seemingly conflictual goals of competition and intellectual property law. In practice and jurisprudence in European competition law, it is challenging to define the boundaries of patent abuse as an offence. Drawing on legal literature and European Union (EU) case law, the book answers when and how an application for a blocking patent can amount to an abuse of a dominant position under Article 102 TFEU.

With detailed descriptions of the characteristics of potentially abusive and non-abusive behaviour regarding applications for blocking patents, the book provides the following and more:

  • a comprehensive analysis of the case law of the EU courts on the abuse of a dominant position in cases which involve intellectual property rights;
  • insights on how patenting strategies affect competition with a particular focus on the application of blocking patents;
  • an overview of the developments in doctrine and practice which led to the current understanding of the seemingly conflictual goals of competition and intellectual property law; and insights on the difficulties of defining relevant markets and establishing whether an undertaking holds a dominant position.

The book illustrates the mechanisms of blocking patenting strategies with examples from the pharmaceutical industry because blocking strategies have particular relevance in applying for patents in that context. In addition, the book provides an outlook on the topic of patents and shortages of supply in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law, eBooks
List of Abbreviations
Introduction Subject, Purpose and Method
CHAPTER 1. Subject and Purpose
CHAPTER 2. Method
PART I: An Introduction to Competition
CHAPTER 3. Competition: An Approximation
CHAPTER 4. Introduction to the System of Competition Law
CHAPTER 5. Introduction to Competition in the Pharmaceutical Market
PART II: Strategic Patenting
CHAPTER 6. Why Firms Patent
CHAPTER 7. Patenting Strategies
PART III: Defining Markets and Establishing Dominance
CHAPTER 8. Market Power Versus Dominance: Introduction and Definition
CHAPTER 9. Market Definition
CHAPTER 10. Establishing a Dominant Position
CHAPTER 11. Consequences for the Evaluation of Conduct Involving Patents
PART IV: Implications from Case Law and the Patent Misuse Doctrine for Blocking Patent Applications under EU Competition Law
CHAPTER 12. Case Law on the Abuse of a Dominant Position and Patents
CHAPTER 13. Implications of the Patent Misuse Doctrine
PART V: The Concept of Abuse in EU Competition Law
CHAPTER 14. Analysis of Article 102 TFEU
CHAPTER 15. Abuse of a Dominant Position as a Manifestation of the Abuse of Rights?
PART VI: Blocking Patents as Abuse of a Dominant Position
CHAPTER 16. Synthesis of the Preceding Analysis
CHAPTER 17. Distortion of Competition Through Patent Application
CHAPTER 18. Balancing Interests

Outlook: Global Shortages and the Role of Patents
Table of Decisions