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Valuing Bureaucracy: The Case for Professional Government (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781316819579
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £22.99
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To be effective, government must be run by professional managers. When decisions that should be taken by government officials are delegated to private contractors without adequate oversight, the public interest is jeopardized.

Verkuil uses his inside perspectives on government performance and accountability to examine the tendencies at both the federal and state levels to 'deprofessionalize' government. Viewing the turn to contractors and private sector solutions in ideological and functional terms, he acknowledges that the problem cannot be solved without meaningful civil service reforms that make it easier to hire, incent and, where necessary, fire career employees and officials. The indispensable goal is to revitalize bureaucracy so it can continue to competently deliver essential services. By highlighting the leadership that already exists in the career ranks, Verkuil senses a willingness, or even eagerness, to make government, like America, great again.

Other Jurisdictions , eBooks, USA
1. Introduction and overview
2. The new learning on outsourcing sovereignty
3. The growth of contracting out in government
4. The consequences of federal contractor government
5. State examples of government failure
6. Why professionals in government matter
7. The civil service and its reform
8. Living with and improving the multi-sector workforce
9. In sum - reprofessionalize government.