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Media Relations in Property (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781135330897
ISBN: 0728204916
Published: January 2006
Publisher: Estates Gazette
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Price on Application
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Media relations are a vital tool for helping property companies build shareholder value through stronger brands, develop reputations that drive a flow of new work, and help sell and let properties faster and at a fraction of the cost of other marketing techniques, but such relationships need to be managed properly. This practical and comprehensive book -- peppered with real case studies and observations from numerous people within the property industry -- aims to demystify 'the black art of PR'. Some of the topics covered include: the strategic aims and benefits of good media relations promoting good media relations practice throughout your organization an overview of property opportunities across the UK media understanding journalists and what they want do's and don'ts of working with the media developing a media relations plan the costs of media relations programmes. Written by an award winning property journalist and a marketing consultant with more than forty years experience between them, this book is a must read for all property professionals looking to make the most out of the media.

1. Media Relations -- Why is it Important?
2. PR Structure for Property Organisations
3. What Journalists Want and How You Can Provide It
4. Reactive PR
5. Proactive PR
6. Measuring Effectiveness and Results
7. Useful Information Sources